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作者:佚名    文章来源:网络    点击数:1599    更新时间:2011/4/25 点击投稿





1. —— What’s this in English? —— It’s ______ .
A. a camera B. a radio
2. You can __________ now.
A. go to school B. go home
3. —— How many books can you see? —— I can see ________.
A. one book B. four books
4. She is my __________.
A. grandmother B. aunt
( ) 1. A. three B. tape C. book
( ) 2. A. father B. family C. mother
( ) 3. A. boy B. book C. bag
( ) 4. A. watch B. clock C. what
( ) 5. A plus B. minus C. man
1. -—— _______ he? —— He’s my father.
A. What’s B. Who’s
2. What’s this ______ English?
A. in B. on
3. _______ this your father?
A. is B. Is
4. —— What’s _____________?
—— It’s seven o’clock.
A. time B. the time
5. It’s time _______ go to school.
A. for B. to
6. —— ____________ watch TV? —— Great!
A. Let’s go to B. Shall we
( ) 1. May I come in?
A. Come in, please. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it is.
( ) 2. Can I have a look?
A. Sure. Here you are. B. It’s a key. C. No, it isn’t.
( ) 3. What’s fifteen plus two?
A. It’s a clock. B. It’s seventeen. C. It’s thirteen.
( ) 4.What’s that on the desk?
A. It’s a stapler. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is.
四、遇到这种情况,我该怎么办呢?( 20分)
1、别人夸我新衣服好看,我应说 ( )
A. Thank you. B. I see. C. Not at all.
2、我想看看刘涛的新书,我应说 ( )
A. Can you see? B. Can I have a book? C. Can I have a look?
3、我想知道几点了,我应说 ( )
A. What’s this? B. It’s time to go home. C. What’s the time?
4、别人问我“13+7=?”时,我应说 ( )
A. It’s twenty. B. What’s thirteen plus seven? C. You’re wrong.
5、我问王兵课桌上那个是什么东西时,我应说 ( )
A. What’s that in the book? B. What’s that on the desk?
C. What’s this on the desk?
五、根据所给题示填入单词。( 6分)
1. Mike is a ____________________.
2. —— Is this a _____________________?
—— Yes,it is.
3. —— What’s seven plus __________________?
—— It’s eight.

1. a tape 2. a crayon 3. a watch
4. a storybook 5. a computer 6. grandmother
1. A: What’s this in English?
B: It’s a school bag.
2. A: Is she your daughter?
B: Yes. She is Nancy.
3. A: What’s the time?
B: It’s six o’clock.
4. A: Is that a radio?
B: Yes, it is.
5. A: What’s twenty minus twelve?
B: It’s eight.
A: That’s right.
1. —— What’s this in English?
—— It’s a camera.
2. You can go home now.
3. —— How many books can you see?
—— I can see four books.
4. She is my aunt.
文章录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 
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