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Unit 1  There is one birthday in May. 教学设计

作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:1657    更新时间:2013/1/17 点击投稿

第三册Module 10  The Month
Unit 1  There is one birthday in May. 教学设计
情感目标:Improve the pupils’ interest in English; build their confidence in English
知识目标:Learn to say January, February, March, April, May and June; to be able to use the sentence pattern to communicate with others.
能力目标: Faster the pupils’ listening and speaking abilities;stimulate the pupils’ active participation while learning
 依据以上对教学内容和教学目标的分析以及小学生的认识规律和英汉语言的差异,我认为能够听、说、读:January, February, March, April, May and June以及能理解会说一个新句型为本课重点;能够listen, read and say the sentences and pronounce them correctly为本课的难点。
一.            Warming-up/Leading-in:
1.       Free talk.  Good morning. Nice to meet you. How are you?
2.  Sing songs.
a. (Tape and Tape recorder) Ten Little Indian Boys.   b. Happy Birthday.
3.  Leading-in.
Use the CAI to show the symbol of a birthday------a birthday cake, which is in January on the calendar.
二.         Learning the new words.
1. January 1
  a. Play CAI. Listen three times. ( T indicates Ps to listen and look carefully)
  b. Greeting.
T: Hello. January.  (Indicates the pupils to do the same)
Ps: Hello. January.
CAI: Hello. I am January.
Ps:  Hello. January.
  c. Ask several pupils to be little teachers to read the word (+stickers)
  d. The whole class read in different tones. “ Jan-ua-ry”.
  e. Read group by group. +smiles
  f. Individuals. (3-5p)
   2. February 2  (The same)
   *The teacher points to the CAI. “February 2”, “January 1”, and then asks the Ps to stand up and say. Ask individuals to read. +smiles or praise them”
   3. March 3
     The teacher points to the eyes, closes them and then says, “ Close your eyes”. Listen.
     Play the CAI and the sound of footsteps can be heard. Then T says, “March”
a. Listen three times.
b. Individuals. (Ps of different levels, 5-7ps)
   *March, February and January (Play CAI)
a. The whole class. (Stand up and say)
b. Individuals.+ smiles or praise them “Excellent”.
   4. April 4
     T puts up four fingers and put the hands to the mouth to shout, “April”.
     a. Read it twice. Slowly and clearly.
b. The whole class read.
c. Several groups read it. +smile
d. Individuals.
   5. May 5
     a. Listen three times. Lead Ps to pay attention to the spelling.
     b. Clap and shake hands. Or  “May I come in? May.”
   *May and March. (The same)
   6. June
     a. Listen three times.
     b. The whole class read it in different tones.
     c. Read group by group.
*January and June (The same)
   三.Consolidate the new words.
1.Play a game-------Listen. Pat. +smiles
 a. January, February and March
 b. April, May and June
 T show the Ps another set of cards,and let the Ps say it.
2.Put up the cards.
 a. The teacher gives the order or the little teacher +stickers.
 b. T show the Ps another set of cards,and let the Ps say it.
3. Throw a box.
 a. Read the six words.
 b. Demonstrate how to play it.
 c. Ask Ps to play it in group.
   四.Teach the new sentence.
1. Ask the group leader to hand in the boxes and put in on the desk, and then lead the Ps to count them.
(1)T: How many?
   Ps: 6
   T: Yes. There are 6. +smiles (Repeat “There are 6”)
(2) Take away one box and ask, “How many boxes?” (Read it slowly)
   T: Yes. There are 5.
(3) Take away three more boxes and ask, “How many boxes are there?”
   Ps: There are 2.
   T: Yes. There are 2.
(4) Take away one more box and ask, “How many boxes are there?”
   Ps: There are 1.
   T: Yes. There is one.
   2. Show the little blackboard.
There is 1.
There are 2,3,4……

a.       Read twice and Ps repeat.
b.      T says, “ There is 1. There are 7/10/6……” and Ps puts up the finger.
c.       T puts up some pencils and asks the pupils, “ How many pencils are there?”
   3. Play CAI. Play a guessing game.
 (1)←It’s _________.  (January) 
T: Yeah. Jan-ua-ry.
   ←T: How many birthdays? (Slowly)
     Ps: 3. (Point to “There are” to remind the Ps)         
(2)  ←It’s _________. (February)  T: Yeah. February.
     ←T: Guess.猜猜。How many birthdays are there?
T: Look. There are _______.
(3) March, April, May and June
   Ask little teachers to ask, “ How many birthdays are there?” +stickers.
   五. Culture tips.
   T asks, “ 同学们,为什么1月不是one 而是January呢?你们知道为什么吗?那想不想知道?那我们来问问小小博士好了。Play CAI.
   六.Sing a song.
5  3  3  | 4  2  2 |  1 2   3 4    5  5     | 5——|
January   February  March  April  May and   June
七、Homework(Choose one of them.)
 (2)Introduce the culture tips to your family or friends.
(3)Make an English calendar.
1、                                 ?I’m going to the park by bus.
2、                                ?He’s going to the zoo on foot.
3、                              ?They’re going to school by bike.
4、                         ?I’m going to the Great wall next year.
5、                            ?We’re going to Shanghai tomorrow.
6、                                     ?They’re going on Sunday.
7、                                    ?She’s going this weekend.
8、                                ?I’m going to buy a comic book.
9、                               ?They’re going to buy some food.
10、                               ?Mike is going to buy a compute
11、                                ?I’m going to school tomorrow
12、                           ?We’re going to the USA next month.
13、          ? I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 
14、                      ?He is going to the cinema this afternoon.
15、               ? She is going to take a trip next Tuesday.
16、                ? They are going to Shanghai by plane.
17、      ?Mike and Amy are going to the Great Wall this weekend.
18、          ?She wants to be a science teacher in the future. 
19、       ?Yes, I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
20、                 ? No, He is going to the school tomorrow.
21、                      ?Yes, they are going to the library.
22、       ? No, we are going to plant trees this weekend.
(1)  My name is Tim, Tomorrow is the weekend. I have no classes. My parents aren’t going to work. But we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. I am going to play computer games with my cousin. Tomorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.
1. (    ) Tomorrow is  ______.  A. Saturday   B. Sunday
2. (    ) My mother is _____ . A. going to go shopping  B. going to the bookstore.
3. (    ) I have______.   A. a cousin   B .a brother
4. (    ) My father is ______ s .  A. at home  B. going to my uncle’s home.
5. (    ) I’m _______ .  A. going to the supermarket  B. going to the cinema

《Unit 1  There is one birthday in May. 教学设计》来自[七教网www.qijiao.net],版权归原作者所有。
文章录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 
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